Credit Coaching for a better life

Here are the facts:

1)  Bad credit will make your life harder.

2)  Too much debt will make your life stressful.

3)  Settling debt for less than is owed will negatively affect your credit for years.

4)  Bad credit will not go away on its own.

5)  Getting your credit straightened out will be annoying but empowering.

6)  Credit Coaching can help you gain financial freedom for the long term.

I’m here to help

Unlike many credit “repair” or debt “elimination” services and consultants, I’ve seen thousands of real world credit reports in my years in the mortgage industry. I’ve helped many of those borrowers go from no chance to homeownership without score crushing debt settlements.

Financial planning is as much about knowing where you start as it is about getting to where you want to finish. There HAS to be a plan and the will to follow through with it. Bad credit is NOT cut in stone. Buying a house is NOT a pie-in-the-sky dream for those with limited income. I know this is true because I’ve participated in those transactions. I’ve originated those mortgages. I know what it takes and can use that knowledge to help you.

Our Approach

Our proven workflow

Collect Data

Get the facts.  Gather your current credit status info.


Review the facts and formulate a game plan to get your credit on track.


Review current status on a monthly basis to stay on track.

Our program and fees are straightforward

1)  Go to and download a copy of your current 3 bureau credit report. It will not show you a score but that’s not important right now. It’s free and it’s accurate.

2)  Pay $50 fee for a review of your credit, income, assets and formulate your custom initial game plan.

3)  Join monthly review and advice for $20 per month with no contract. No continuing obligation. Stay in the program until you are where you want to be.

4)  Work hard, be persistent, get your credit life in order.

5)  Yes, it’s THAT simple.

Home Buying

The fact is that anyone who works, is in America legally, and is willing to make a plan and stick to it, can buy a home. You don’t need to be rich and to start you don’t need to have great credit. Even if you have

a past Bankruptcy or Foreclosure, though it will take longer and the plan will be a bit tougher, you can still buy a home in the end.

Bad Actors in the business

There are many ads and websites about buying property with no money down or bad credit or using a witchdoctor or whatever; they all completely ignore how incredibly difficult that is to do.

The reality is if you are starting from scratch, no or bad credit, little savings, low income, you will not be able to use their advice at all. You can however, with knowledge, planning and a little persistence, ACTUALLY purchase a new home within 24 months using our credit coaching services.

24 months may seem like a long time but it goes quickly and the process of preparing yourself for the purchase will benefit you financially for the rest of your life beyond moving into your new home.

The Credit improvement process for mortgage application

Our program starts with our credit coach evaluating your credit the same as our credit coaching program. Not your credit score but your overall credit picture. Credit scores are an important tracking tool but focusing on your actual credit profile is what will prepare you for a great home purchase and an easier life beyond real estate.

Staying in the program will give you access to general information and coaching on the mortgage qualifying targets. We will not negotiate a mortgage or find a house for you but assist you in preparing to do so. When you are ready you will get a Mortgage Loan Officer and realtor yourself to get you into a new home.

Once we know where you are, then we can work on where you are going. If you reach your target earlier than the 24 months, great. There is no obligation to go the full 24.

When signing up for the initial credit coaching and review, please let us know if you are planning to try to buy a home in 2 years.

A message you’d like to add would work well here.

That Credit Coach is a real person!

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